About this course

In this online course we’ll show you how to create effective self-organising teams that are purposeful, highly effective, non-hierarchical and nourishing to work in.

This is a comprehensive guide to new ways of working, from people who have been immersed in decentralised organisations for a decade. 

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Course introduction

    • Welcome

    • Who we are

    • What Makes a “Humming Team”?

    • Fill in our Decentralised Team Assessment

  • 2

    Rhythm & Retrospectives

    • Align your priorities with work rhythms

    • 4 Types of Rhythm

    • Work Cycles

    • Retrospectives: stop, reflect, and learn

    • Journaling questions

    • Team practices & resources

  • 3

    A Culture of Growth

    • The self in self-management

    • Personal growth mindset

    • Journaling questions

    • Develop a team growth culture

    • Exercise: different working styles

    • Case studies, team practices, resources

  • 4

    Decision Making

    • Decide how to decide

    • Make your own decision protocol

    • Getting unstuck

    • Distinguish preference from tolerance

    • Case studies, team practices, resources

  • 5

    Relationships of Trust & Care

    • Psychological safety

    • Journaling questions

    • Accounting for care

    • Journaling questions

    • Case studies, team practices, resources

  • 6

    Roles & Accountability

    • Roles: Who is working on what

    • Journaling

    • Holding each other accountable

    • Team practices & resources

  • 7

    Digital Communication Tools

    • The asynchronous opportunity

    • A shared map of your communications tools

    • Tips for remote teams

    • Case studies, team practices, resources

  • 8

    Conflict & Feedback

    • Dealing with conflict in your team

    • Journaling questions

    • Personal approaches to conflict

    • Receiving Feedback

    • Giving feedback

    • Different Feedback Methods

    • Team practices & extra resources

  • 9

    Money & Power Dynamics

    • Including people in money decisions

    • Unpacking money stories

    • Exercise: Unpack your money story

    • Leadership in Self-Organising Teams

    • Power dynamics at work

    • Team practices, case studies and resources

  • 10

    Course conclusion

    • Journaling questions

    • Action Plan
